Professional Membership
*Your membership cannot be processed until you have finished all steps
You will receive membership orientation package when your membership has been processed
Ability to network with industry and community members
Have your company contact information featured on our membership page
Become a part of creating a balanced conversation to infill
Have your voice heard on policy issues
Stay informed on current infill changes in Edmonton
Have your company featured on our social media
Exclusive access to IDEA's research library
Ability to inform City Council about challenges through IDEA
Discounts to IDEA events
Access to post on our Real Estate Page
Have IDEA dedicated to taking down policy and procedural barriers to infill on your behalf
Step 1: Register your Membership
Step 2: Payment
Membership fee is $500.00. Your membership goes toward staffing and resourcing IDEA’s work.
Payment can be processed through PayPal or over the phone.
Payments made today IDEA will be automatically processed on an annual basis to reduce admin fees.
Please contact with any questions.
Step 3: Code of Ethics
Please read thought and review our Code of Ethics.
You can either agree to it above or sign and email it to
Your membership can not be processed with out it.
Your package will be sent to you once you have completed all three steps. In this package you will find our organization's values, mission, and values. It also contains your password to the research section of our website.
We will also update our membership page with your company’s contact information within a week.